Covid-19 Update

Ok, so we never thought we’d be 10 weeks into a global pandemic but here we are. 

Your roots were supposed to be done 3 months ago and you’re sick of looking in the mirror, but all you can do now is wait.  Wait to get our hair done, wait for the 

OK to go back to work, wait until this virus goes away, wait until there’s some kind of normal again…

Sorry to say, we are ALL just waiting.  I don’t have any good news yet, but I do have an idea of what the studio is going to look like when we get back to it so here’s the deal:

The studio is 105 sq. ft. of private salon space that does not require plexiglass-glass divisions because we’re in our own little oasis with a door to close.  Phew! Sola is dedicated to making sure we are all safe to return to work.  There are 31 other studios inside the Sola building besides mine, so we are all in this together and need to make sure we’re being responsible for one another as well.  One of the precautions we are going to be taking is removing all the chairs from waiting areas and hallways.  That way we can limit the number of people in the building to only those who are receiving services.  Another sigh of relief – no extra strangers.  Also, almost everything will be touchless!  Yup, we are officially in the future.  When you arrive for your appointment, and you text me that you’re there, I will come open up the front door for you.  No more call box and buzzing the studio.  You text me, I open for you.  Now you only have to enter the building and my studio is the first door on the right.  That’s it,  you’re in my sanitized little salon and you’re good to go!  Touchless checkout is now also an option!  

I’m prepared with disposable aprons, towels, masks and gloves.  I will be spacing out appointments and cleaning in between guests to make sure the studio is safe and sanitized for you when you arrive.  We will both have to keep our masks on, but don’t worry I can work around it 😉 The most important thing is that I can guarantee your health and safety and you can relax and get your hair done while breathing a sigh of relief!

Just know that during all this time I’m thinking of you… I’ve been taking a bunch of online classes (I can’t wait to share all the cool new techniques I learned!), I’m all prepared to return to the “new normal” with boxes and boxes of PPE, I miss you terribly and I’m just waiting on the OK from higher up to get back to you!  Please be patient as I reschedule you all in the order you were cancelled.  It’s gonna take me a bit, but I’m so excited, just hang in there and wait for me… the magic will be worth the wait I promise! 


Love Ashley

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