The Most Underrated Tool in my Kit

Even though I have spent countless dollars on digital irons, ionic hair dryers, and ceramic brushes… which are all GREAT btw and I couldn’t do my job as well as I do it without them.  The most undermentioned, under-hyped, underrated tool in my kit that never ever gets mentioned, isn’t hundreds of dollars, and just about every person on the planet could benefit from owning one is… drum roll please… my spray bottle.  

Yes.  My spray bottle filled with plain old water is one of the things I reach for the most when styling hair and really can’t work or live without.  It doesn’t matter what texture my clients hair is, if something has dried a certain way: whether it be one side flipping out and the other side in, or a cowlick, or a ponytail kink, or a frizzy root, a funky bang, just flat, staticky, separated somewhere, etc.  Literally almost anything I’m going to address for my client, any hair complaint situation I get in my chair: I start by wetting down that hair.  

By wetting the hair down, I can see exactly what it naturally wants to do.  Maybe it was dryer error.  Maybe it looks worse than it should.  Maybe you don’t need to wash your hair again and start over if you only had a spray bottle and could just re-do this one little piece.  Maybe the whole thing isn’t a catastrophe! I’m being dramatic, but sometimes it feels like that.  You have somewhere to go, are in a rush, maybe the weather’s bad too which figures, and you do your hair and you just think Oh my god, I can’t go out like this.  Wetting it down will give you a chance to restyle it or at least make it better than it’s current state.

I am kind of bouji about my spray bottle though.  I’m a huge fan of the continuous spray bottles.  If you’ve never experienced the gentle, fine, steady mist of spray they give out you’re really missing out.  Lol.  

This is especially good for anyone who showers or does their hair in the evenings and wakes up and doesn’t have a lot of time to tame the beast.  Also great if you’re styling children’s hair that’s slippery in ponytails or braids, dampening it makes it a little easier to work with.  There’s so many ways it comes in handy, it’s just a necessary tool in my kit that really never gets to shine in the spotlight but deserves to.  

SHOP Continuous Spray Water Bottles 

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