2 QUESTIONS to help you Choose the Right Shampoo

There are a million and one shampoo’s, conditioners, co-washes and masques out there on the market, so which one is the lucky one that gets to go home with you?  

The answer depends ( IN SHORT ) on 2 things –

1. Budget


2. Job

1. BUDGET: There are professional products and less than professional products.  Within both of those categories, there is a range, but that will help you be realistic about your options and narrow down the categories pretty quickly.  Professional products use higher grade ingredients, (Oribe uses facial grade!), and less than professional often use more affordable ingredients to get the job done.  The downside to using lower end ingredients is that they can build up on the hair which makes daily styling difficult, but more importantly it can also affect the outcome of professional coloring services.        

2.  JOB: The 2nd determining factor is ‘what exactly are you looking for your shampoo to do for you?’  It should have a job.  To pick a shampoo that sets your style up for success is a key factor in how long the style will hold.  If you want a voluminous blowout, but have fine hair, I wouldn’t suggest one that’s advertising frizz controlshine or repair.  I’d go for one that says texturizing or weightless.  My advice is no matter what your biggest  complaint about your hair is, address it with the shampoo and conditioner from the very first step.  This will help prep the hair for the kind of style you’re trying to achieve and give you longer lasting results.  

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